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Learn - Read it, Live It, Love It

Learn - Read it, Live It, Love It

One of the many attractions to tea is the fact that you can never stop learning about this fascinating plant. We invite you to explore the many different links in this section that will entice you to keep coming back.  The uses for teas are endless and we are here to share them with you. If you are reading about it, experiencing it through travel, events, tastings,cooking or baking, tea can keep you interested for a life time.  Please visit our BLOG and recipes section when feeling creative or social. Join us now on the never ending journey in the world of tea.

tea types


Tea has an immense history and been consistently gaining interest in the western world over the past few decades. Learn about the 9 categories of tea



Lynda Budd, the Tea Alchemist, has created a series of teALCHEMY elixirs that are blends of carefully chosen ingredients to suit your every mood.

powders, rubs, syrups


Lynda has developed a line of tea powders, rubs and syrups that make it easy for you to add tea ingredients to baked goods, as well as poultry, fish, roasts, stews and more.

TEA tasting guide


We love tasting teas and we are sure you will too. We have prepared an introduction to tasting comprised of a few suggestions for you to try on your next cup.

TEA brewing guide


A perfect cup of tea doesn’t happen by accident. To ensure you get the most out of your tea follow this guide and download it for future reference!

care instructions


Beautiful tea wares heighten the enjoyment of tea and that’s why you want to keep them in their best condition. Here are some tips to do so.

recommended reading


There is a lot of amazing work on tea and we have compiled a short list of our personal favourites with brief descriptions.